Friday, December 12, 2008

funeral bible readings

A funeral may often be just as elaborately planned as a wedding. A funeral speech is possibly the most important speech that you have ever written.

People who attend funerals must be aware of the proper etiquettes to be observed during this time. We learn to cope with the situation at least temporarily. Read through the funeral poem several times (out loud) before the funeral so that you feel comfortable with the words.

Include in your eulogy the memories and anecdotes that best describe the deceased from your perspective. In the spirit of putting in a good word for the deceased, a eulogy will rarely dwell on any less attractive side of a person's life - a funeral is a time for positive thoughts, forgiveness and perhaps a little regret at lost opportunities; but traditionally it is not a time for accusations and controversy when the person is not in a position to come to his or her own defense. Think about your favorite memories of the people you love chances are many of those memories are based on funny events.

The eulogist has a chance to ease the pain of others by providing them with a picture of the best things about that person, something they can hold on to in the difficult days to follow. Make sure to jot down notes as you think of them before writing the full eulogy.

Death Notices Colorado - funeral planning Florida Death Notices the essentials

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